2021 Edition

No More Stories!

No More Stories!

Section: Long Documentary

Country: Algeria, France

Production Year: 2020

Duration: 88 minutes

Director: Carole Filiu-Mouhali and Ferhat Mouhali

Screenplay: Carole Filiu-Mouhali and Ferhat Mouhali

Cinematography: Ferhat Mouhali, Amine Aznay, and Mélanie Favreau

Editor: Linda Attab, Ferhat Mouhali

Synopsis: She is French, he is Algerian. Their whole childhood was rocked by the Algerian war. Traumatic memories of a forced departure for the journalist, daughter of black feet; mythical tale of a glorious independence for the director, a human rights activist. Everyone got their own version of the story. Far from the official historiography, they meet witnesses with voluntarily forgotten speeches and who fight against the war of memories to make a more appeased truth heard.